Exploratory Data Analysis Checklist

This week I read the second chapter of Peng’s book. For some reason I was unable to do the data analysis along with the text for some reason. I’m not sure if I’m the only one who experienced this issue, but when I clicked on the link in the chapter for the EPA’s Air Quality System there was a connection error. It could be possible that the site itself was down for maintenance or the like because I wasn’t having any internet issues with other sites at the time. So, I’m going to come back to this chapter in a few days to see if it’ll work.

However, I was able to follow along with the text by using one of the data sets for coral reef pollution. The data set I ended up using was Coral observations for physical damage. What I ended up finding out about this data is that there are 17875 observations, 35 variables and that the entirety of the data was collected in 2013. Other than this, I found that it was hard to follow along the example in the text with a completely different data set. Regardless, I was able to understand what was being explained and how to apply it in a different context.

Over the weekend, I plan on playing around with the data sets I’ve downloaded a bit more to practice what I’ve learned in the second chapter.

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